The most Zealous, righteous and goodest chapter you could imagine!
Black Templars have taken the competitive landscape of Warhammer 40k by storm!
In this article ill go through some army lists, why I choose the units I do, how to play the missions with them and which detachments work and why. (Pro tip, it's righteous crusaders come at me!)
To start us off lets talk through the Black Templars specific units: What they do, why they are awesome and how to run them.
The man the myth the legend himself, High Marshal Helbrecht.
What an absolute beast. Weighing in at 120 points he is the middleweight champion of the Galaxy.
His stat line on paper appears kind of mid : M6 SV2+ W5 LD5+ OC2. And this leads us to talk about his only weakness. 5 wounds is very underwhelming and precision strikes can just snipe him out of existence, even with a 4+ Invulnerable save. However it's not for his stat line that we play him.
His Melee profile: Here is where things get spicy. He wields the Sword of the High Marshals. This Weapon is truly scary. It has both a one handed and a two handed profile. (Strike and Sweep).
The two handed profile swings in with 6 attacks at strength 8. Hitting on 2s. Armor Penetration value of -3. and a big ol' 3 damage.
The one handed profile hits with a whopping 12 attacks at strength 6. Also hitting on 2s, ap value of -3 (which is wild on a sweep), and a damage output of 1.
Now you may say, "But Phil, that doesnt seem too devastating". Oh my sweet summer child..... We will get to that.