Four Two Astraeus: The legendary story!

Let me paint you a picture: 9th Edition 40k, Iron Hands were running rough shot over the Meta. Me, just a humble servant of the Emperor trying to come up with a list for the upcoming 40k tournament: TERRACON! the legendary tournament of Naracoorte in the South East of South Australia about 3.5 hours from Adelaide.

Previously Naracoorte had been famous for only one thing. Its beautiful network of limestone caves. Now.... Well now its famous for the most chonka of tonkas.... THE MIGHTY ASTRAEUS!

They all told me it was a Meme........ It surely was not!

It all started in round one. Against Dylan Brewster. He had put his fearsome Chaos Daemons on the table, a tough matchup to be sure. Those Bois are Chonky in their own right. But when Battleround one started we both discovered together that the mightiest Chonk of them all was the Austraeus!

After a harrowing round of shooting Be'lakor lay slain, one of the toughest big nasty threats in all of 9th edition. 

I proceeded to take full board control and when finally on turn 2 the unkillable Bloodthirster could do little to turn the tide. Losing its full allocation of 9 wounds to the Astraeus in a brutal overwatch. 

Then it unfortunately failed its charge thanks to the shenanigans' of 9th ED Iron Hands. 

Death to the un-deadable came shortly after in my next turn..........

The game was over at that point. Both Dylan and I stared speechless at what had just occurred. A meme the Astraeus surely was not....

Game 2 came against chaos knights...... I think you can imagine how that went.....

Game three was against the great one himself Adam Napier. HE WAS SHOCKED! In utter disbelief that the Astraeus could even dream of making it that far. Sadly he was my only counter.... Even more shooting than i had..... so much more. The 9th Ed Imperial Guard were no slouch and sadly for our hero, the Astraeus succumbed to the might of the many and was felled turn one. I made the mistake of not screening out the Kasrkin turn one and it got me big chonky boi in a world of hurt very quickly.

So ending day one of Terracon 2-1 was a definite success in my book. It sure as hell was not the meme everyone thought. On to day two!


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